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Email marketing has been around for years, but it’s still one of the best ways to connect with your audience. We’re going to show you how to create emails that work.

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Keep It Simple.

The most important thing to remember when creating an email campaign is to keep it simple. Don’t try to cram too much information into each message; instead, focus on providing value to your readers. Be specific with your email message and who it gets sent to for higher open and click rates.

Write Better Subject Lines.

If you want people to open your emails, make sure you write subject lines that will catch their attention. You should use a headline that summarizes what the email contains and includes a call to action (CTA). Try to avoid words like “new”, “today”, “sale”, “click here”, or “sign up now.” These words get filtered as spam frequently.

We’ve found that posing a question and using relevant emojis makes for a great subject line. Try out the free tool at Subject Line Tester from SendCheckIt for help with your next email campaign.

Include Calls to Action.

A CTA is an instruction that tells readers what to do next. It’s usually at the end of an email, so it’s easy for recipients to find. Make sure it’s big, bold, and stands out to the reader.

If you’re looking to create an email campaign that gets results, then you’ll want to include calls to action at the end of every email. These calls to action should be specific and relevant to what you’re offering.

“Buy Now” for links directing users to store pages, or “Book Now” to reserve a table or schedule an appointment. If you’re looking to build a relationship, invite the reader to follow you on social media or to send more details about themselves or what they need. That leads us to the next feature, your opt-in form.

Create an Opt-In Form.

Create a form for your readers to better engage with you. You should make sure that your opt-in form is clear and simple. If people aren’t able to figure out what they need to do to sign up, they won’t bother doing it.

If you want to create an opt-in form for your email campaigns, there are several ways to go about doing so. One option is to use a free service such as MailChimp.com. Another option is to build your own opt-in form using HTML code. You can find instructions for building your own opt-in forms at sites such as HubSpot.com.

Make sure you have options for your customers to opt-out of your list. Services like Mailchimp and Constant Contact take care of that for you.

Add Images or Videos.

Adding images or videos to your email will help keep your message more interesting and engaging. It’ll also give your subscribers something to look at while they wait for your next email.

Make sure you are using the latest image formats, proper image names, alt text and descriptions where applicable. Some misleading media will get filtered, so try your best to avoid that.

Try Canva out if you haven’t already. It’s worth every penny to go Pro.

Test and Use Different Types of Emails.

There are three main types of emails: transactional (for things like receipts, appointment confirmations), promotional (to promote an event or sale), and relationship (to build relationships).

Each type of email requires a different approach. Transactional emails should be short and sweet, so make sure you only send them when necessary. Promotional emails should be longer and contain more detail, because people expect them. Relationship emails should be personal and friendly, as they’re meant to build trust between you and your customers.

Try to make use of all three email types in order to keep in touch with your customers and stay top-of-mind. Automated campaigns based on customer engagement are a great way to stay in touch with customers and inline with their needs.

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Emailing your existing customers with relevant information on a  consistent basis is a great way to get started with email campaigns. Take the time to craft your email, buy a template or hire someone like myself to help you get the right email and message to the proper audience.

Until next time.


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Hello. My name is Nicholas Allen and I am a driven digital marketing director, director of business development, data scientist, and creative strategist with a passion for building great teams, creating new business, and finding new successes for established organizations.
